Get your project specific one-on-one Zoom consultation/seminar from the Fresco School. Tadelakt Plaster is a lime plaster with a speck of black aggregate sealed with Olive Soap and polished/burnished with a Stone (Agate is most Common) To create an appearance respective to classic Moroccan tadelakt a black coal slug can be added to the mix. Presently, lime is burnt in modern gas or even wood burning kilns will not have those bits mixed in since technology is a lot more refined. That exposes those bits of charcoal and lime stone, resulting with a “black speckle dots” appear all over the surface. When tadelakt plaster is applied and still soft it is polished by hand with a small (agate, volcanic glass) stone using, high pressure with circular motions. (Pozzolana is optional – often added just before the use since pozzolana fortified plaster can not be kept and has to be used immediately). 1050-1300 g/sqm, taking care that the surface is as smooth and groove-free as possible.

SECOND COAT: apply when the first coat is dry. Natural pigment, mostly red iron oxide is added at this stage. This coat is applied directly to the plaster (background), taking care to apply it evenly to smooth out any imperfections in the ground. “Tadelakt plaster” is prepared by mixing resulted Slaked Lime with an aggregate – crashed marble (marble dust) and/or crashed lime stone. Tadelakt is a waterproof plaster originally used in the baths and sinks of historic Moroccan homes and palaces, or riads, and its word origin, which means 'to rub' in Arabic, hints at its labor-intensive application. Those particles will not affect the integrity of plaster becoming just and additional “aggregate admix”. In traditional Morocco kilns resulting Quick Lime (CaO) would end up having un-burnt parts of lime stone and bits of coal being mixed into the slaked lime. Slaking results in furious chemical reaction converting CaO to Ca(OH)2 – Slaked Lime Putty. Quick Lime is then Slaked – suspended in abundance of water. plaster, stucco, brown-coat, cementitious base coats, concrete, masonry, paint.

In brief – To create Slaked Lime Putty, Lime Stone or Marble (CaCO3) is burned in a kiln resulting in Quick Lime (CaO). Tadelakt finish is a unique blend of marble dust, fine marble aggregate. What makes classic Moroccan Tadelakt stand out and places tadelakt in its own category is the technology of lime stone burning and slaking and limestone that is burnt. Tadelakt Moroccan Style Plaster - Mike Wye Tel: 01409 281 644 Email: .uk Tadelakt Moroccan Style Plaster Home / Tadelakt & Polished Plasters / Tadelakt Moroccan Style Plaster Return to Previous Page Add to Wishlist Quick View Beautiful Tadelakt DVD An Instructional Guide £ 11. This soap lime plaster sealing method is used all around Mediterranean – often referred to as Quadad (plasters) commonly found in Hammam – bath (baths aka Turkish Bath, Syrian Baths, Egyptian Baths, Moroccan Baths). The term tadelakt, meaning “to rub in”, is an expression from the Arabic word تدليك tadlīk, meaning “to rub or massage.”

(Our Roman Marmorino Plaster is ready to be used for tadelakt style applications) Tadelakt plaster is a variation of traditional lime plaster, specific to Morocco.