A neuron's cell body comprises the Golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and other components. After that, we have the cell body, which is, basically, the nucleus of the neuron. To explain the structure of neuron, we have to keep in mind that all neurons have three sections – dendrites, cell body, and axon. Dendrites are found in the edge of the neuron, and they receive messages from other neurons. Secondly, we have the motor neurons that transmit information from the brain to the muscles. Firstly, we have the sensory neurons that carry information from the sensory receptors present all over the body to the brain. There exist several types of neurons that galvanize the transmission of information. They receive and transmit electrochemical signals to various parts of the body. To begin with, neurons are the building blocks of the human nervous system. Structure of a Neuron – A Brief Explanation Before getting into the nitty-gritty of dendrites meaning, let us attempt to explain the structure of neuron. Thus, the dendrites meaning is extracted from the fact that they receive signals from neurons and contain specialized proteins that accept, process, and transfer the signals to the cell body. In such a context, dendrites come into the picture as they receive the electrochemical signals from which they travel to the cell body. It is noteworthy to remember that the transfer of data from one neuron to another happens through chemical signals and electric impulses. In other words, the extensive appendages of nerve cells are termed dendrites.

We can understand dendrites as projections of a neuron or a nerve cell that receive signals of information from other neurons.